new Opening Hours

We are reopening our office for personal counselling on applying for the semester ticket subsidy!

The new counselling hours are:

Monday, 12:00-14:00 (english, german)
Wednesday, 14:30-16:30 (english, german, spanish)

You can come by without an appointment in room 1050
in the main building of Humboldt University
Unter den Linden 6
(main entrance, then left at the end of the corridor).

We ask you to wear a mask. We will be tested and symptom-free, and can put on a mask if desired.

We can also be reached by telephone during consultation hours on
030 2093 70296

All those who made an individual payment in SoSe24, please continue to make a personal appointment by e-mail.

Notifications winter term 23/24

Dear applicants,

From tomorrow, your notifications for the winter semester 23/24 will be on their way to you. Please check that your bank account details are up-to-date and correct. If not, please let us know IMMEDIATELY by e-mail so that we can ensure that the money arrives where it is supposed to.

If everything is correct, you should receive the money at the beginning of April. Please refrain from making any enquiries about the whereabouts of the money BEFOREhand. Money transfers will be made by the HU cash office, which can take up to 3 weeks, so this is no longer in our hands.

Kind regards,


your Semtix crew

News about the subsidy WiSe 23/24

Dear applicants,

We are currently receiving many enquiries about the status of your WiSe 23/24 applications. We are on the home stretch and will send out your notifications within the next few weeks, we will keep you posted here when exactly.

We would like to remind you once again that it was unclear for a long time if and how things would continue with the semester ticket and thus also with our office, which led to considerable delays in work processes on all fronts. However, we are catching up again and you can all help: At the moment, for example, it is particularly important to inform us immediately of any changes of address and/or bank details, as this is the only way we can ensure that the money actually reaches you.

Best regards and until the next post,

your Semtix crew

Consultation hour regarding the individual payment

Dear applicants,

Here are the first possible dates on which you can come to the office to discuss everything else concerning the individual payment agreement with us.

Please make sure to bring complete applications including the necessary supporting documents.

Monday, 26. 02. 2024: 1 p.m. / 2 p.m. / 3 p.m. / 4 p.m.

Tuesday, 27. 02. 2024: 11 a.m./12 p.m./1 p.m.

Wednesday, 28. 02. 2024: 12 p.m./1 p.m./2 p.m./3 p.m./4 p.m./5 p.m.

Further dates for March 6, 2024 (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and then again from March 18, 2024 will follow shortly.

Your Semtix Team

Update: SoSe24 application forms will be online soon

Good news: The Deutschlandsemesterticket will be available at HU in SoSe24.

The subsidy from the social fund and the semester ticket office depend on the existence of the semester ticket. Due to the uncertainties and last minute decisions regarding the future of the semester ticket, which came shortly before the winter break, we are only now able to say with certainty that the subsidy will be available in SoSe24.

For this reason, the application period has been postponed by a few weeks. We will upload the application forms at the beginning of February and you will have just as much time as usual to send us your applications. This will not have any negative impact on the application process.

SoSe24 Updates

Dear applicants,

We are currently processing and prioritising WiSe23/24 applications. Please keep in mind the following information while we continue with this process:

– The situation of the existence of the Semesterticketbüro is till this date, uncertain.

– We are understaffed and there‘s currently a hiring freeze.

– As a result of the first two points, we don‘t have the information on how you can apply for the SoSe24 subsidy. Similarly: no information yet about any possibility of individual payments for SoSe24.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and any additional struggles that this may create.

We will post here any new updates.

UPDATES SoSe23 & WiSe23/24

SoSe23 Notifications & Payment of Subsidies

Update: The notifications for your SoSe23 applications will most likely be sent out mid/end of August, the payment of the subsidies will follow in the beginning/middle of September. Updates will follow as always here on the website, please do not send us follow-up requests via email for this.

In the meantime, please notify us by email in case your bank account or address have changed to ensure that you receive the notification letters and disbursements.

Re-registration WiSe23/24

If you are currently struggling to pay the semester ticket fee to re-register for WiSe23/24 and are therefore at risk of exmatriculation, please write us an e-mail until August 23, 2023 at the latest with the subject “Individual Payment WiSe23/24”. With this email, please send us your complete subsidy application for WiSe23/24 (incl. all supporting documents).

In any case, please contact the Immabüro as early as possible if you are not able to pay the fees by the deadline of September 30! The best way to contact the Immabüro is via the Compass contact form ( Select the topic “Re-enrollment, Campus Card, new PIN” (German website: “Rückmeldung, Studienbescheinigung, Campus-Card”) to make sure that your request is assigned correctly and processed quickly. Here you can also find all information provided by the Immabüro regarding re-registration:

If you need financial support for the remaining re-registration fees, we also encourage you to contact the RefRat’s Student Financing Counseling Service, preferably by email (, more info: Another possibility is the emergency fund of the Studierendenwerk (überblick/einmalige-unterstützungsmöglichkeiten-des-studierendenwerks-berlin/notfonds.html).

Extended application deadline for WiSe23/24

You can currently send us your subsidy applications for WiSe23/24 (here you’ll find the forms). Since we uploaded the application forms a bit later than usual, we are extending the final deadline for applications until August 31, 2023. Please send us your complete applications including all supporting documents until then. Please don’t worry if you don’t hear from us soon, as we are finishing the processing of the SoSe23 applications first.

Application forms for WiSe23/24

We are currently understaffed and trying to finish your SoSe23 applications as soon as possible. Therefore, the application forms for WiSe23/24 will be uploaded a bit later than usual, probably within the next 2 weeks.

Please do not send us applications for WiSe23/24 on forms you have customized yourself from previous semesters.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!