Application processing status (winter semester 2021/22)

Dear applicants,

we’re currently still working on the applications for subsidy for winter semester 2021/22, which unfortunately is delayed due to the corona-restrictions, understaffing and illness in the team.
Therefore, we can not yet say with certainty when the notes and subsidies will be sent out. It will, however, probably not be before the end of the re-registration deadline mid February. (As soon as there are any relevant news, we’ll of course inform you right here.)
In case you’re having financial troubles with the re-registration, you can apply for an extension of the re-registration deadline at the enrollment office. The colleagues know about our situation and are accordingly accommodating.

You can nonetheless already apply for subsidy for the upcoming summer semester.
The forms can be found right here, the regular deadline for applications is the 28th of Februarch 2022.

Subsidies KHB SoSe 21

Dear KHB students, we were finally able to finish up with the applications for summer semester 2021 and the notifications have been put in the mail. We will submit the subsidies for transfer asap as well, however since there are several institutions involved in processing them, we can’t tell you exactly when they will arrive in your accounts – we’re hoping it will take a month at most. Thank you for almost a year of patience!

Applications for winter semester 2021/22 are also being finished up right now and barring any further issues notifications should be send out around mid-February.

Please note that despite all the delays, applications for summer semester 2022 are now open until February 28. You can find the current forms here.

Application forms SoSe22

Dear applicants,

we’re currently editing the application forms for summer semester 2022. They’ll be online here soon (by the end of next week at the latest).
Until then, please refrain from inquiries on when the forms will be online or when you can apply for subsidy for SoSe22.

Edit January 7: the forms are now online!

Best regards and a very happy New Year,
your Semtix-Team