Notifications & Disbursements SoSe23 and Subsidy Applications for WiSe23/24

The subsidies for SoSe23 will be paid a bit later than usual because our team has been understaffed for the past few months. We hope to be able to send out the notifications around mid-July and then transfer the subsidies at the end of July/beginning of August.

Please don’t write to us with follow-up questions about the status of the processing of your SoSe23 applications. As always, we will post regular updates on this website.

We expect to upload the forms for the WiSe23/24 applications until June 9. Please do not send us applications on old application forms before then.

Job Offer

The Semtix is looking for a new colleague for 60 hours per month as of April 01, 2023. The deadline for applications is February 27, 2023. For details, please read the job advertisement.

We are looking forward to your applications!

WiSe22/23 Payments

Update 21.02.23:
We just learned that apparently there were some technical difficulties regarding the payment at the HU cashiers, hence why – unfortunately – the payouts are delayed.
We’re very sorry to inform you that we can’t currently give an accurate assessment as to when the granted subsidies will be transferred to your account.

We have issued the payment orders for the WiSe22/23 subsidies to the cashier this week, so you should receive the subsidies within the next week. Until then, please do not send us emails asking about the payments.

All grants for applications that we received after the regular deadline (e. g., for newly enrolled students at that time) will be processed and issued over the course of the next few weeks.

Also: Be sure to send us your applications for SoSe23 before the deadline! :)

Notifications & Subsidies WiSe22/23

We sent out the notifications for the WiSe22/23 subsidy applications for HU students this week! They should either have reached you already or will arrive next week if the mail takes a bit longer.

In the next two weeks, we will prepare the payments. We expect that you will receive the subsidies by mid-February. Please let us know as soon as possible if your account details have changed since you submitted your application!

(We will post another update here as soon as the payments have been issued.
Please refrain from asking about the status of the transfers until then).

And remember: Until February 28 (resp. March 14 incl. the 2 weeks extension), you can submit the subsidy applications for SoSe23. You can find the forms here.

Winter holidays & notifications

Dear applicants,

from the 19th of December until New Year’s Day, we’ll be on winter break.
That means we’ll probably neither answer emails nor the phone.

Please refrain from inquiries about the state of the applictions. (As soon as there are news, you’ll find them here.)
We planned to send out the notifications for the winter semester 22/23 applications around mid January, so you’ll have them in your physical mailbox around Mid to End of January. Please keep an eye on your mailbox and let us know if you’ve moved since you submitted your application.
In case you IBAN changed since submitting your application, please also let us know in time.
(As soon as we’ve sent the notifications, we’ll post an update here.)

The new application forms (for summer semester 2023) can be found here in the first (or latest in the second) week of January.

At last: If you have any questions or problems regarding the 9€ ticket reimbursement, please read this post.

We wish you a happy free time and wonderful holidays (in case you celebrate anything in that time).

Until next year!
Your Semtix

Questions and problems regarding the 9€-ticket reimbursement (Read before writing us!)

As we receive a lot of questions regarding the reimbursement of the 9€ ticket:

We are not responsible for this reimbursement, the enrollment office is.

If you’re missing a TAN list, your tan isn’t working, your reimbursement haven’t been transferred yet or you can’t find the buttons for reimbursement in Agnes: Read this info-page from the enrollment office. We can’t help you with that.

The only case in which you can contact us is if it says in your Agnes account that you’re not entitled to a reimbursement because you received a subsidy from the social funds from us for summer semester 2022 but this hasn’t been the case.
We can then check if we happen to have an (accepted) application from you.
In every other case: Enrollment office!

From the email from the Öffentlicheitsreferat from the 12th of December:
if you have any questions or complications, please do not contact us or the Semesterticket Office, but rather the Student Services, i.e. the Enrolment Office. You are also welcome to call the Compass Hotline. The correct number is 4930209370333.
As of Monday, according to the Student Service Centre, 35% of students have submitted an application via the online refund form in AGNES. The Student Service takes care of the administrative tasks related to the refund on behalf of the student body. It takes about three weeks after you submit your application for the money to arrive in your account. According to the Student Service, the first payments will be made this week.


Note on the 9€-ticket reimbursement

Because we currently receive a lot of inquiries about the reimbursement of the 9€-ticket, we need to say it again:
We at Semtix are not involved in this reimbursement!

The enrollment office is in charge of the ticket’s & fee’s administration.
There should have been an email from the University & RefRat regarding the reimbursement process.
We also don’t have news about this and don’t know more than you.

Please refrain from sending us further inquiries about the 9€-ticket reimbursement.

As soon as we know more, we’ll post an update here.
If you can’t find a new update on our website, that is because we still don’t know more about it.

Delay SoSe 22 subsidies for KHB students

Dear applicants from Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee, once again payment of the subsidies is delayed due to us waiting for information from other departments, without which we can’t proceed. Once we have received all the data we need, we will send out the notifications and start the payment process asap, but this might still take a few weeks. We’re very sorry and appreciate your patience!

General info: application period/late applications

Dear applicants, we increasingly receive applications after the application period and grace period are over. Please note:

The regular application period runs until 31.7. for the following winter semester, 28./29.2. for the following summer semester. This is the period within which you should generally submit your applications.

There is a 14-day grace period, i.e. until 14.8. for WiSe and 14.3. for SoSe you may still submit your applications without giving a reason for being late. This should be an exception for times when you can’t submit the application within the normal period.

Applications that we receive from 15.8./15.3. can only be accepted if you give a reason for why it wasn’t possible to submit them on time (this does not include simply forgetting about the dates!)

Late applications make it harder for us to plan, cause extra work, and therefore delay processing all applications. So please make sure to submit your applications in time and if you’re late, include a reason with your application.